
This is how we realise ideas together:
Here is the Lübbering ShowTruck.

We want to bring fresh ideas to your workplace. Let us show you a place where we can create new ideas together.
In the LÜBBERING ShowTruck, the "raum für ideen“ (room for ideas) is a space where you can explore our products, handle them yourself and meet our team.

The Lübbering ShowTruck offers a range of interactive discoveries:

  • the entire range of our third generation L.SP3 geared offset heads
  • special solutions and complete tools from leading tool manufacturers
  • create a fastening system by yourself using our L.SP3 configurator
  • test our geared offset heads on different fastening stations
  • our expertise in the assembly and disassembly of fastening systems will be available to you on site
  • an interactive touch screen with dynamic videos and graphics will show you all the potential applications of our products
  • meet our friendly and competent team

All of these features, in particular the opportunity to handle our geared offset heads and to explore all the different applications, will make this event a real benefit to your company.
An interactive touch screen will enable you to configure your individual L.SP3 solution on site, using our L.SP3 configurator.
You will be able to find the right tool for even the most inaccessible application.

The LÜBBERING ShowTruck drives across Europe in order to visit automotive and aircraft manufacturers.
Our aim is to support planners and workers who handle our tools and thereby increase customer satisfaction.

We hope you will take this opportunity to hear about the lastest developments in fastening and drilling technology from the market leader in high-precision tools.
We are very much looking forward to organising your ShowTruck event, of course with no obligation on your side, and completely free of charge.

If you would like to arrange an event for your company, please contact me:

Karin Berkers
ShowTruck planning and organisation
Phone: +49 (52 45) 83 09-133
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